Thursday 4 October 2012

Success Recognition Has Helped to Honor Kris Roglieri

Being recognized for your accomplishments or years of dedication and hard work is an honor for anyone who has had that experience. It is the feeling of pride one takes in themselves for things like walking down the aisle at graduation and hanging a diploma on the wall or framing an article in a newspaper or magazine where you’ve been featured or mentioned in a story.

Kris Roglieri knows the pride that comes with being recognized for hard work. He has not only been praised for his success in a varoius magazine articles, but he has had the fortunate experience of even being featured on Fox Business News. What makes the recognition that Kris Roglieri has received so special is that his recognition comes from his success as a business owner with a strong entrepreneurial spirit.

Kris Roglieri has been involved in the commercial finance industry for over 20 years and in that time he has learned that there are many finance brokers who don’t have the deep understanding that they need in order to pursue different avenues for helping business’ lending needs. This led to Kris Roglieri’s founding of Commercial Capital Training Group in which Kris Roglieri helps train others in the extensive knowledge in the various forms of finance they will need in order to be successful in the finance field.

Kris Roglieri’s founding of the Commercial Capital Training Group is what became featured in Entrepreneur magazine and on Fox News. In Entrepreneur magazine, Kris Roglieri was quoted for his knowledge on some of the credit mistakes that small business owners make and that lending experts like him can help small businesses make better choices so that they can avoid getting stuck with a problem they can’t handle. And in Fox Business News, he was featured in the different financing solutions he teaches through Commercial Capital Lending Group.

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